Carpets represent a perfect ground for dust and other mites or bacteria. Here are some tips and advice from professionals for efficient cleaning of your woolen rugs or your carpet, while banning industrial products.
Sparkling Water And Baking Soda To Remove Stains From A Carpet
A little vacuum, and you can start cleaning the woolen bristles, just like a professional.
Dab your surface with soda water using a sponge to begin your cleaning. Gently scrub the carpet with a brush, to begin to permeate the carbonated water.
After 1/2 hour of drying, sprinkle the carpet with baking soda and enjoy a carpet like new!
Ammonia And White Vinegar For A Stain-Free Carpet
Prepare a mixture of one cup of ammonia and two liters of hot water.
Next step after vacuuming the pile of carpet: soak a sponge with your “homemade product”. Note that it is advisable to test your product on a not very visible corner. If the colors bleed, avoid washing the entire carpet with this mixture. If not, start your cleaning, then rinse with a rag of clean water.
Black Soap, The Miracle Product For Removing Stains
Ideal both as a stain remover and as a degreaser, black soap is once again essential: for the maintenance of your carpet fibers! This natural solution is easy to set up, after having vacuumed the surface:
- Make a black soap / water mixture, as you would wash your floor.
- Clean your carpet with a sponge.
- Rinse with water containing white vinegar.
- Let your wool or cotton rug dry or use paper towels to speed things up.
If there is one product to always have at home, it’s black soap! Do you have a baby crawling on the carpet and on the floor of the house? Choose a cleaning product with black soap, which will gently scrub every surface and while respecting the planet!
The Steam Cleaner, The Machine That Washes Carpets
It is a solution as gentle as it is natural for effective cleaning of all your surfaces. Do this wash about every quarter to avoid letting the dirt get into it.
Carpet Cleaning With Dish Soap And White Vinegar
As often, white vinegar is used in a homemade cleaning product recipe.
To remove your stains, dab them with a cloth previously coated with white vinegar. Prepare a mixture of water and washing-up liquid, which you will use to complete your cleaning, on each stain. Tip: they must first be mixed with an electric mixer to become foam.
Scrub your carpet with a brush, then rinse with clean water. A little drying time with absorbent paper, and your wool or cotton cover is clean.
Also ensure regular maintenance: vacuuming once a week and cleaning services like carpet cleaning Rayleigh at least once a year, or more if necessary.