
For newcomers to the world of esports betting, understanding betting odds can feel like deciphering a cryptic code. However, mastering the basics of betting odds is essential for making informed betting decisions and maximising your chances of success. In this blog, we’ll demystify esports betting odds, explain how they work, and provide valuable insights into interpreting the numbers, with a nod to unique gaming experiences like MaxQuest that can offer intriguing betting opportunities.

What Are Betting Odds?

Betting odds represent the probability of a particular outcome occurring in a match or event. They are expressed in numerical form and indicate the potential return on a bet relative to the amount wagered. Understanding betting odds is crucial for assessing the likelihood of different outcomes and determining the potential value of a bet.

Types of Betting Odds

There are three main types of betting odds formats used in esports betting:

  1. Decimal Odds

Decimal odds are expressed as a decimal number, representing the total return on a winning bet, including the original stake. For example, odds of 2.50 indicate that a successful £10 bet would return £25 (£10 stake x 2.50 odds).

  1. Fractional Odds

Fractional odds are represented as fractions or ratios, indicating the potential profit relative to the stake. For example, odds of 5/1 mean that a £10 bet would yield a profit of £50 (£10 stake x 5).

  1. Moneyline Odds

Moneyline odds, also known as American odds, are expressed as positive or negative numbers. Positive numbers indicate the potential profit on a £100 bet, while negative numbers represent the amount needed to win £100. For example, odds of +200 mean that a £100 bet would yield a profit of £200, while odds of -150 require a £150 bet to win £100.

Interpreting Betting Odds

  1. Probability Assessment

Betting odds reflect the implied probability of an outcome occurring. Lower odds indicate a higher probability, while higher odds suggest a lower likelihood. To assess the implied probability of an outcome, divide 1 by the decimal odds and multiply by 100 (for decimal odds) or divide the denominator by the sum of the numerator and denominator (for fractional odds).

  1. Value Betting

Value betting involves identifying instances where the implied probability of an outcome is lower than your own assessed probability. If you believe that a team has a higher chance of winning than implied by the odds, there may be value in placing a bet on that outcome.

  1. Understanding Payouts

Betting odds not only indicate the probability of an outcome but also determine the potential payout on a winning bet. Higher odds offer the potential for greater returns but typically correspond to lower probabilities of success.

MaxQuest and Betting Odds

Games like MaxQuest, with their innovative gameplay mechanics and dedicated fan base, present unique opportunities for esports betting. Understanding betting odds can help bettors assess the value of betting on outcomes related to MaxQuest matches and tournaments, whether it’s predicting the winner of a quest or wagering on specific in-game events.


Betting odds are a fundamental aspect of esports betting, providing valuable insights into the likelihood of different outcomes and the potential returns on bets. By mastering the basics of betting odds and learning how to interpret the numbers effectively, bettors can make informed decisions and maximise their chances of success in the exciting world of esports betting. Whether you’re analysing decimal, fractional, or moneyline odds, understanding the underlying principles will empower you to navigate the betting markets with confidence and skill.