If you’ve ever experienced a urinary tract infection, you are aware of the agony and frustration these infections can cause, particularly if they recur. An infection that affects the urinary system is known as a urinary tract infection or UTI. The bladder,ureters,kidneys and urethra may be among these.

Infections typically affect the lower urinary system, which includes the bladder and urethra. A UTI can usually be cured with antibiotics in a few days, but there are other easy steps you can take to prevent it from happening.

Women get a UTI more easily than men. An infection that only affects the bladder can be uncomfortable and painful.

Here, we will provide a complete guide on preventing urinary tract infections.

Take cranberry supplements.

Although studies have not demonstrated the ability of cranberry supplements to prevent UTIs, a plausible biological explanation suggests their use may be beneficial. Instead of using cranberry juice, try a concentrated over-the-counter cranberry supplement. It has more advantages and cuts down on the added sugar that is usually present in juice.

Furthermore, it would help if you take women’s probiotic supplements that may benefit urinary health.

Wipe front to back

It is recommended to wipe your genitalia from front to back after using the restroom because the rectum is a significant source of E. coli. By doing this, the chance of transmitting E. coli from the anus to the urethra is reduced.

If you have diarrhea, doing this is even more crucial. The inability to control bowel motions brought on by diarrhea may raise the risk of E. coli spreading to the urethra.

Pee Early and Often

The leading cause of a urinary tract infection (UTI) is bacteria getting into your urinary tract through your urethra, the tube that allows urine to leave your body. Timing your urination could lower your chance of developing a UTI. When your body signals that it’s time to go, don’t wait to leave.

Increase fluid intake

Water is ideal to drink in large quantities to help flush out bacteria from the body. This maintains the hydration and health of the bladder tissue. Additionally, it lessens the amount of bacteria in your bladder and dilutes your pee. Specific individuals can self-treat infections by just consuming fluids. To help avoid infections, try consuming at least 50 ounces, or around 1.5 liters, of fluid daily.

Pee after sex to remove bacteria

Urinating after sexual activity may aid in the removal of bacteria from the urethra and the prevention of UTIs. Those more susceptible to UTIs or ladies may find it especially beneficial.

Nevertheless, urinating after sexual activity won’t shield you from getting pregnant or contracting STIs.Bacterial infections cause UTIs. They develop when bacteria enter the urethra and go to the bladder or other urinary tract organs. Usually, these germs originate from the anus, filthy hands, or skin.

UTIs are not communicative or sexually transferred. This implies that a person with a UTI won’t give it to their significant other. Most of the time, a person with a UTI won’t need to treat their sexual partners.